Thursday 9 December 2010

Preliminary Work

Before we went about making our final piece that we would sumbit we made a number of preliminary pieces. These where a variety of short films which where mainly horror based. We made one which was similar to the blair witch project, one which was based on alien and there where others aswell. To increase our knowledge of making a thriller we made a series of films. These films helped us to better understand the use of camera angles, camera movement, camera shots, sound, mise-en-scene, and the use of editing.

To film them we used a full 1080p camera and did the post production using Final Cut Express or iMovie.

On one project we made a blair witch style thriller. The story was very similar to Blair Witch, three media students go missing and their footage is found. We filmed with a hand held flip style camera. The shakiness and poor quality helped to reinforce the realism and disorintates the viewer. The film began slow and tension was gradually built up, through the use of dialogue and suspense sound effects, and culminated in a fast paced finale where the footage was quickly cut to create panic and to increase the speed of the sequence.

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