Friday 14 January 2011


Today we drew a storyboard. This helped us to plan out how we would go about framing the shots and the action that would take place in each one. Ot also allowed us to visualize the scenes and find potential problems before they occur. Me and Stuart created the storyboard on an A3 piece of paper.

 Our storyboard provides a visual layout of events as they are to be seen through the camera lens and shows the sequence in which the shots will be seen by the viewer. The storyboard helped us to all contribute various ideas about shots, lighting, actions and how we would develop the story.

We had to create a story board so we all knew exactly what would be happening. We went over various camera angles in detail, and practiced filming in our own time to make them perfect for the final piece. We also became more familiar with the editing software that we would be using (Final Cut Express).

We also looked at a variety of different camera movements and techniques. These included the dutch tilts, tracking and panning shots. These shots all create suspense and disorientate the viewer which are key elements in any successful horror.

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