Sunday 13 March 2011

Filming for the Second Time

Our original tape that we filmed on experienced technical difficulties adn we could not play it properly. It skipped around and lost sound. This was extremely frustrating considering how long we took to do it. I tried taking the camera and tape to a repair shop but theey couldn't do anything about it.

Because of the compications we had to film again. Originally we had used a Sony mini tape but his time we used   a different camera that uses solid state memory, which is far more reliable than the tape. The camera we used is called a Sony HDR-XR155.

On the second time we filmed we where unable to get a second car so we had to change the plot to get around this. The antagonist attacks them on foot and from the front this time. Although filming again was tedious we where able to do more shots and techniques as well we where able to do it much quicker this time as we where far more experienced.

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