Saturday 12 March 2011

Looking at film magazine covers

I began by researching lots of different film based magazines. Some of the magazines I looked at are:

  • Total Film
  • Empire
From this research I determined the what things to consider in creating my piece of media.

The front cover of a magazine is crucial to the success of a publication. It is used to draw in possible customers who may buy the magazine. The magazine usually implements a number of ways of getting a viewer's attention and interesting them enought to get them to purchase the magazine. These are:
  • Usually a famous star or iconic image is used. For example Tom Cruise above or the face and importantly eyes of the terminator above that. This is a great way of getting the viewer to look at the magazine.
  • The name of the magaizine is normally very large and can either be placed in the foreground or background. It is placed in the background if the main image needs to be placed over the top of it to give it more dominance. The title of a magazine is used to get the viewer to recognize the magazine and so they would buy it because of it's good reputation or because they liked it last time they bought it. Also the title helps to reassure the customer that the magazine is dedicated to film.
  • Lots of smaller text is used to further intrigue the reader. This text normally outlines some of the interesting stories inside the magazine. These help to interest the reader so increase the likelihood that a magazine will sell.

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