Friday 28 January 2011

Creating the Plot

We wrote a script that would go with our film. The helped us to decide what audio we would need to record and how much of it we would need to do. We will record the audio using an hd voice recorder.

Mother - Bye! Have a safe trip.

Grace - (Said sarcastically) Yeah yeah ...

Grace and Jayden carry their bags to the car. They then drive from the house down the road, Grace looks embarassed by her worried mother.

Grace - We're going to be late you know ...

Jayden - Don't worry about it, I know a short cut.

Jayden then turns the car into a dark road through the woodland, Grace looks fed up and tired.

The car then begins to break down

Jayden - No no no no ahhh.

Jayden then leaves the car and checks under the bonnet

Jayden - I just need to get some oil

Jayden then runs off to the nearest petrol station

Grace - This better not take long!
(Woodland sound effects begin, gradual diminuendo before car pulls up behind )
Grace looks up, to see car in rear view mirror pull up behind

Breathing rate increase (Foley sound)
Dialogue is unused until the end of the trailer, apart from girl screams/wails Grace wakes up in room, looks up to see man standing in doorway
Blake: Remember me?

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