Friday 28 January 2011

Naming The Charecters and Film

We are now beginning to discuss names for the film and the characters in the film, at first we thought that leaving them un-named may make the film apply to more people as they would feel more sceptic as they could believe that it could happen to them. However we felt the need for names is a necessitie in the film. For the boyfriend we decided on the name - Jayden Harrison and for the female role - Grace Ryan. We felt that murderer needs a name because during the film you will not recognize him as the murderer because you dont know what happens til the end. This tactic is commonly used to show distinction between plot and story. His name is Blake Young.

Choosing a name was probably the hardest job we have had to do so far. We needed something catchy, short and interesting. Some examples of names we had decided were, Revenge, Silent Footsteps, Homocide, Isolation and Woods. Somw of these names we felt were to common and maybe did not link in with entity of the film however we discussed further more and have come up with the name 'Isolation: The Blake Young Story'.

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